Wasp Interdictor: Getting Started

This guide describes the basic steps to get started with Wasp Interdictor: PBR Ship and VR-Ready Cockpit Kit.

The kit has been tested with Unity Engine 5.3.6f1 and 5.4.1f1 Versions.

What This Package Includes

  • Wasp Interdictor Ship Model
  • VR-Ready Cockpit
  • Head Camera Script
  • Gun and Radar Tracking Controller
  • Nozzle Flaps Controller
  • Thruster Exhaust and Heat Haze Effects
  • Terrestrial Prefab from Planets Pack
  • Skybox Set (Stars, Nebulas)
  • Customizable Skybox Shader
  • 3 Substance Painter Sources (Ship, Cockpit, Canopy Glass)
  • PSD Paint Decals Template
  • Ship and Cockpit Shake Animations

Recommended setup

Before you can start with the example scenes it is advised to perform fine tuning of the editor according to the suggested checklist:

  • Enable Linear Color mode and set Rendering Path to Deferred

Enabling linear rendering in Unity is simple: It is implemented on a per-project basis and is exposed in the Player Settings which can be located at Edit -> Project Settings -> Player -> Other Settings

Read more: Linear Pipeline in Unity Manual

  • Enable HDR on your camera

HDR is enabled separately for each camera using a setting on the Camera component. More convincing visual effects can be achieved if the rendering is adapted to let the ranges of pixel values more accurately reflect the light levels that would be present in a real scene.

Read more: High Dynamic Range Rendering

  • Post Processing Stack [RECOMMENDED]

The new Unity post-processing stack is an über effect that combines a complete set of image effects into a single post-process pipeline: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/essentials/post-processing-stack-83912

– Effects are always configured in the correct order.
– It allows a combination of many effects into a single pass.
– It features an asset-based configuration system for easy preset management.
– All effects are grouped together in the UI for a better user experience

It comes with the following effects :

– Antialiasing (FXAA, Temporal AA)
– Ambient Occlusion
– Screen Space Reflections
– Fog
– Depth of Field
– Motion Blur
– Eye Adaptation
– Bloom
– Color Grading
– User Lut
– Chromatic Aberration
– Grain
– Vignette
– Dithering

The stack also includes a collection of monitors and debug views to help you set up your effects correctly and debug problems in the output.

  • Legacy Cinematic Image Effects

The package can be downloaded from the Asset Store: http://u3d.as/mHd

Read more: Cinematic Image Effects

Known Issues

Please check the list of known issues and solutions in the Known Issues thread. Not all problems are necessarily posted there, but we do our best to post updates promptly.

Found a bug?

Please submit a case in the Bug Report thread. We will be there to squash the bug away!

Want to share your thoughts?

We sincerely appreciate your time to provide us with comments, feedback, and suggestions. There are always things that we could do better. Please share your ideas in the Feedback and Suggestions thread.

Have a question or need help?

If you have an urgent problem that is not documented here, please reach us out directly via the Contact Form. For non-urgent questions get in touch in the Technical Support thread and we will get back to your as soon as we can!

VR Setup

VR support is enabled by visiting Edit > Project Settings> Player > Other Settings > Rendering. Then enabling the “Virtual Reality Supported” checkbox in the Inspector.

Set your SDK according to the device requirements you currently have connected to your PC/Mac.

Example Scenes

The kit has several example scenes including versions with and without the Image Effects each.

Here is the list of scenes and their descriptions:




The scene version with camera controlled through the movements of a mouse and different head position including a cockpit and two wingman space ships with thruster effects.


No mouse controller. The head positioning matches VR scale.


The scene wraps two space ships on a Terrestrial Planet background. Best used with Cinematic Image Effects.


The ship has the mounted gun and radar setup with the tracking script. Click "Play" and drag the "___Target___" Game Object.

Tracking Controller

The easy setup includes the animated mounted parts where script manages the elevation-heading limits and controls the tracking speed.

Before a controller will target anything, you must setup a few things and specify a transform of an object to aim. Here are the options available in the inspector tab of a controller component:

Target – A transform of an object the controller will aim at

Body – Specifies the transform of the vertical tracking component along the elevation plane

Mount – Specifies the transform of the horizontal tracking component along the heading plane

Heading tracking speed – The rate at which the component can rotate towards target on the horizontal plane

Elevation tracking speed – The rate at which the component can pivot towards target in the vertical plane

Heading limit – The arc of fire along the horizontal plane. The editor gizmo marked with red

Elevation limit – The arc of fire along the vertical plane.  The editor gizmo marked with blue

Debug draw – Whether to draw a debug line between the swivel center and the far end point

Nozzle Flaps Controller

The script will tackle the most of the work animating the position of each nozzle flap in response to commands from the script. The options include Flap Position, Turn Limit, and Speed.

Left / Right Engine – References to the nozzle flaps transforms found within the ship’s model.

Servo Current Position – The animation value in the range of 0.0f to 1.0f that controls the position of each nozzle flap piece.

Servo Limit – The limiting angle value that stops the controller from opening the petals further.

Servo Speed – A speed at which the controller animates the petals.

Substance Painter Sources

The combination of 2048 texture maps along with the Substance Painter sources enables full customization of the Ship and Cockpit with all requirements you have in mind.

Source files were created with Substance Painter, Version 2.3.1 Build 1363. You will find the files located inside the Assets/FORGE3D/Wasp Interdictor/Substance Painter/ folder.

Use 7-Zip free software to unpack the archives. You can use it on any computer. You don’t need to register or pay for 7-Zip. Head here to download: http://www.7-zip.org/download.html

PSD Template

The PSD template allows you to customize the color of the paint decals covering the ship. The Emission source has been included as well.

You will find the files located inside the Assets/FORGE3D/Wasp Interdictor/Textures/PSD/ folder.

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