Online Documentation Center

Bear with us while we are in the process of documentation update. The legacy PDF manuals will appear here shortly along with the new chapters of the Online Documentation. Until this process is complete, you can find relevant documentation in the “Assets/FORGE3D/” folder of your Unity project.

If you are using FORGE3D Assets for the first time, the product manuals on the left will guide you through the first steps.

Have a look at this blog post to get started with the latest modular features in Sci-Fi Effects. In the meantime, we will hunt for the missing manual chapters across the galaxy and jump back to you in a faster than light manner!


Known Issues

Please check the list of known issues and solutions in the Known Issues thread. Not all problems are necessarily posted there, but we’ll do our best to post updates promptly.

Want to share your thoughts?

We sincerely appreciate your time to provide us with comments, feedback, and suggestions. There are always things that we could do better. Please share your ideas in the Feedback and Suggestions thread.

Have a question or need help?

If you have an urgent problem that is not documented here, please reach us out directly via the Contact Form. For non-urgent questions, please submit a case in the Bug Report thread in our forum and we’ll get back to your as soon as we can!

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